World Rookie Fest Freeski started in Livigno

Black Yeti is so happy to have in Livigno 90 young freeskiers from 20 different Nations! Yesterday event presentation at the Cinelux was the best way to start, with all the riders and coaches watching together the World Rookie TV Show Premiere (stay tuned, we will publish it really soon!).

In this edition we are not lucky with the weather conditions and today qualification was cancelled, but all the freeskiers had lot of fun during the Night Rail Session at the Snowpark20. Jeremy Boiston (FRA) won the Best Trick and Melvin Seliberg (SWE) was the Best Riders of the night.

Tomorrow morning all the freeskiers will compete together and judges will score each rider using overall impression in a double up panel. Download starting list for tomorrow’s final here.


Follow the Live Heats Freeski here:

Photogallery first days World Rookie Fest Freeski 2023

Photo Credits: Ania Gzelka