2018 WRF – Strong wind and awesome Workshops

As announced, the third day of the 2018 World Rookie Finals in Kaprun was too windy to allow the start of the competition. Anyway, all the riders were motivated and took advantage of the time for some extra training in the halfpipe.

The weather was better and the motivation was incredible at the Elementary School of Kaprun, where during the morning, three first grade classes had the chance to enjoy a snowboard introduction course. Thanks to Burton Riglet boards and some other games, each class had the possibility to have fun and learn some basics movements on the board. Tomorrow, the kids will go up to the mountain to try what they have learnt on real snow.

The Jufa Hotel in Kaprun was the place to be in the afternoon and early evening for both rookies and grooms.  Viva con Agua hosted the first workshop with the goal to raise the kids’ awareness about the importance of water and the difficulties that some countries have in finding clean and drinkable water.

Later in the afternoon, Miriam Deller, from Kimiyo, gave the possibility to everybody to relax, practicing Yoga. The last workshop was done by Gorilla where the kids enjoyed preparing some fruit smoothies and got some tips how to eat properly to gain the maximum amount of energy.

Program for tomorrow, Friday 13. April 2018:
Meeting for all riders, both HP and SS, at the Snowpark
17.00pm – 17.40pm: Kimiyo Yoga Workshop
18.00pm – 19.30pm: Dinner at World Rookie Final Restaurant
20.00pm: Coach Meeting

Photo Credits by Gustav Ohlsson