2015 Corvatsch Rookie Fest Video

Watch online the 4 minutes Video with the best moment from the 2015 Corvatsch Rookie Fest held in Switzerland, where all the best riders of the WSF World Rookie Tour challanged for win access to the Ischgl finals!

2015 Corvatsch Rookie Fest from MOON on Vimeo.

Follow the Yeti online @
web: www.worldrookietour.com and www.worldsnowboardfederation.org
facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/worldrookietour
vimeo channel: www.vimeo.com/channels/worldrookietour
Mpora WRT channel: www.mpora.com/worldrookiesnowboardtour/

If you dream to become a professional snowboarder your future starts at the World Rookie Tour!