2014.15 World Rookie Tour Announced

The Black Yeti is ready to announce the 2014.15 World Rookie Tour with 11 international events all around the Globe. For the 10th edition, the best youth snowboard series is going even better with new countries involved, more halfpipe events and new end of season special prizes to award the season best riders.

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The 2014.15 tour kicked off in the Southern Hemisphere with the events in Chile and Australia and now is time to hit the Northern side of the world. New halfpipe events will take place in Laax, Switzerland, and Oslo, Norway. Greece will join the tour with a slopestyle where the Black Yeti will conquer the Olympus. The oldest event in the tour, WSF World Rookie Fest, will be held for the 10th time in Livigno, Italy, and it will offer a brand new event concept to celebrate its first decade. The Volkl World Rookie Finals in Ischgl, Austria, recently announced special side activities and VIP guests.

In addition to the freeride trips, ticket to world class events, Onboard photo shooting and Pirate film session, the overall tour prize list has been upgraded with a new Rookie Shooting to be held in Corvatsch, Switzerland, next May 2015.


The countdown is on, mark the dates on your calendar and get ready to join the 2015 World Rookie Tour: the 10th edition.

2014.15 World Rookie Tour – Calendar
– South America Rookie Fest
 – Valle Nevado, Chile – 8-12 Aug 2014 – Slopestyle – DONE
– Australian Rookie Fest – Thredbo, Australia – 22-23 Aug 2014 – Slopestyle – DONE
– Iceripper Rookie Fest – Laax, Switzerland – 10-14 Dec 2014 – Halfpipe
– WSF World Rookie Fest – Livigno, Italy – 10-15 Jan 2015 – Slopestyle
– Hellas Rookie Fest – Greece – 13-15 Feb 2015 – Slopestyle
– Bulgarian Rookie Fest – Pamporovo, Bulgaria – 30 Jan -1 Feb 2015 – Slopestyle + Halfpipe
– Transilvania Rookie Fest – Arena Platos, Romania – 6-8 Feb 2015 – Slopestyle
– Trentino Rookie Fest – Monte Bondone, Italy – 25 Feb -1 Mar 2015 – Slopestyle + Halfpipe
– Oslo Rookie Fest – Oslo Vinterpark, Norway – 27 Feb-1 Mar 2015 – Halfpipe
– Indy Park Rookie Fest – Nekoma, Japan –  6-7 Mar 2015 – Slopestyle
– Völkl World Rookie Finals  Ischgl, Austria – 07-12 Apr 2015 – Slopestyle


Age Groups
WSF rookie events are reserved to Rookies (born from 1st of January 1997 to 31st of December 1999) and Grom (born from 1st of January 2000 and up), both boys and girls. All contests of the World Rookie Tour will generate valuable results for the TTR World Snowboard Tour Ranks and for the World Rookie Rank developed by World Snowboard Federation.

Follow the World Rookie Tour online @

Web: http://bit.ly/wrt2015
Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/worldrookietour
Vimeo channel: www.vimeo.com/channels/worldrookietour
Mpora WRT channel: www.mpora.com/worldrookiesnowboardtour/