With riders from Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Europe and Japan, the 4th consecutive edition of the Mall Sport South America Rookie Fest was held in Valle Nevado, top Chilean ski resort. The event represented the kick-off of the 2013.14 World Rookie Tour, the worldwide largest youth snowboard series.

From the first edition on, the idea behind the event in Valle Nevado was to gather young snowboarders from different continents and cultural background and offer them a unique lifestyle experience which goes beyond a snowboard competition.

Thanks to the support of Valle Nevado Ski Resort, Quiksilver and DC Shoes, it was possible to create an event program based on a freestyle slopestyle competition, a freeride day with Chilean top riders, a skateboard session, a surf session in the artificial wave at Mall Sport Santiago de Chile and a final party at Santa Pizza.

The whole crew, riders as well as parents and coaches enjoyed a 4 days program to share their passion and enjoyed several activities connected to the lifestyle of snowboarding.
The best riders of the event were awarded with all inclusive tickets to the 2014 World Rookie Fest in Livigno, Italy, the largest event in the World Rookie Tour, where all the top rookies from all over the globe compete in one of the best international snowpark.

2013 Mall Sport South America Rookie Fest in Valle Nevado – Results
Male Rookie
1. Chandler Hunt, USA
2. Fede Chiradio, ARG
3. Pedro Bidegain, ARG
Male Grom
1. Alvaro Yañez, CHI
2. Benja Yañez, CHI
3. Guido Lapenna, ARG
Female Rookie
1. Miyabi Onitzuka, JPN
2. Antonia Yañez, CHI
3. Magdalena Gonzalez, CHI

See the best pictures from the event at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.653101701369321.1073741829.127519233927573&type=1
Follow the World Rookie Tour online @
web: www.worldrookietour.com and www.worldsnowboardfederation.org
Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/worldrookietour
Vimeo channel: www.vimeo.com/channels/worldrookietour
Mpora WRT channel: www.mpora.com/worldrookiesnowboardtour/
web: www.worldrookietour.com and www.worldsnowboardfederation.org
Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/worldrookietour
Vimeo channel: www.vimeo.com/channels/worldrookietour
Mpora WRT channel: www.mpora.com/worldrookiesnowboardtour/
Info and registrations about the World Rookie Tour events:
Info line: 0039.320.4613445 – rookie@worldsnowboardfederation.org
Info line: 0039.320.4613445 – rookie@worldsnowboardfederation.org