Shred Down Austrian Masters Slopestyle 2013

Friday 8th of March 2013 surely became a historical day of superlatives within Austrian snowboarding. The season finals in Westendorf were the big show down of the best freestyle riders in Austria enjoying great conditions in a perfectly shaped park on a sunny winter day.

What would the Austrian Masters in Slopestyle have been without the former series-winner Herby Thaler? Thaler impressed with incredible Cab 9s and perfect landing and became Austrian Slopestyle Champion for the fourth time in a row.

Alex Walch became second who won the Austrian Masters Combination (Innsbruck Superpipe, Westendorf Slopestyle) followed by Air & Styler Peter König ranked third.

Also the rookies were in top form showing high qualitative performance: All in front Rowan Coultas from England who became first in the Rookie category followed by Max Zebe and Simon Gschaider.

In the In the Legends Ranking, Chris (1.) and Rudi Kröll (2.) were taking the lead. Wolle Beer from Innsbruck became third saving the winner’s title of the Legends Overall-Ranking.

The Austrian Women Slopestyle Champion is Katrin Wegscheider. Birgit Rofner became first in the Austrian Masters Overall Ranking. Johanna Sternat was the best female Rookie.

Check out all results:

Westendorf und Innsbruck convinced once more being the optimal host cities for the Shred Down Austrian Masters. Both events were perfectly organized and folks, riders and spectators can look forward to next season.